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Musically Empowered Conversations - week 1

Musically Empowered Conversations - week 1

Practical approaches to staying connected through music.I am really excited to be part of the musical sequel to the Empowered Conversations course run by six Degrees Social Enterprise.Empowered Conversations is an approach to communication in dementia care that is designed to help people living with dementia and their carers to:Find ways…

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The benefits of superfine merino wool garments for people in late stage dementia

The benefits of superfine merino wool garments for people in late stage dementia

As the dementia progresses, often, it becomes more difficult for the person with dementia to express their needs and discomforts. They may, for instance, be unable to tell you if they are too hot or cold or if a fabric is itchy. Merino wool has natural properties that mean the…

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